Uniform Wear Policy:
In accordance with Air Force regulations, cadets must wear their uniforms a minimum of one day each week, unless otherwise announced. The required uniform day for Lee's Summit High School AF JROTC is Tuesday. Maximum inspection grade possible is 50 Points and is recorded as part of the cadets leadership grade.
Cadets who are absent on Tuesday are required to make up their uniform inspection on Friday. It is the cadet’s responsibility to contact an instructor to get credit for a uniform make-up day, otherwise a ZERO grade will be given for that week.
Cadets will plan ahead for wearing the uniform. If it needs cleaning, it should be cleaned immediately so that it will be available for wear on the following uniform day. “My uniform is in the cleaners” is not a valid excuse. Cadets are always expected to wear their uniforms on uniform days. Cadet Officers are allowed only one Tuesday omission per nine week grading period after which your current rank and staff position will be reevaluated.
On uniform day, cadets are required to wear the uniform ALL DAY—from arrival at school until the end of the school day. Prior permission from an instructor must be obtained for exceptions. This does NOT release cadets from the need to change for gym class, etc. Also, cadets are expected to protect the uniform by changing out of it or wearing protective clothing during shop, chemistry or other classes if activities in that class may cause soiling or damage to the uniform.
A REMINDER: The Air Force Uniform represents one of the most respected traditions of our country and must be worn in a manner to honor the heritage it represents. WEAR IT WITH HONOR!!!

Chapter 7 Uniform Guide